Google's Orkut battered by 'Bom Sabado' worm

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Google's Orkut battered by 'Bom Sabado' worm

Google's Orkut battered by 'Bom Sabado' worm

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 09:00 AM PDT

Thousands of users on Google's Orkut social networking site were hit at the weekend by a new proof-of-concept worm that spread rapidly using the Portuguese greeting 'Bom Sabado', or 'good Saturday'.

Fight insider threats with the tools you already have

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 09:00 AM PDT

Common security tools already used by many businesses can be effective means for finding corporate data thieves and saboteurs, according to researchers at Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute.

Am I Mailing Spam?

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 09:00 AM PDT

Tami asked the Antivirus & Security Software forum why friends are receiving spam that appears to come from her.

Iran admits Stuxnet worm infected PCs at nuclear reactor

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 09:00 AM PDT

Although some computers at Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactor were infected by the Stuxnet worm, none of the facility's crucial control systems were affected, Iranian officials said.

50% of firms worried about security of Web 2.0 tools

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 09:00 AM PDT

Half of the firms are concerned about the security of web 2.0 tools including social media, says McAfee.

Software security for developers

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 09:00 AM PDT

Secure software development means consideration in every phase. Here are 9 key software security principles plus practical advice from a developer's point of view.

The 17 Most Dangerous Places on the Web

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 09:00 AM PDT

Those photos of Jessica Alba may be murder on your PC. That Google search result that looks as if it answers all your questions may do nothing but create a serious tech headache. The fun you had watching that hilarious video you downloaded may not be worth the misery it can cause your system.

IBM buys into data center switching with Blade acquisition

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 09:00 AM PDT

IBM is buying privately held data center switching company Blade Network Technologies to expand its data center portfolio into networking and heighten competition with rivals HP, Dell and Cisco.

5 problems with SaaS security

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 04:00 AM PDT

As interest in software-as-a-service grows, so too do concerns about SaaS security. Total cost of ownership used to be the most frequently cited roadblock among potential SaaS customers. But now, as cloud networks become more frequently used for strategic and mission-critical business applications, security tops the list.

Houston hotel on watch for threats from inside and out

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 03:00 AM PDT

As open buildings, hotels are typically on guard for any signs of trouble. So it's no surprise that the downtown Hilton Americas–Houston just upgraded its video-surveillance system, installing one based on 3VR Security's digital recorder platform for the sake of efficient retrieval of video footage for research.

Twitter contains second worm in a week

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 09:00 AM PDT

Twitter has put a stop to a worm that posted obscene messages to victims' Twitter feeds. It's the second worm attack the site has suffered in a week.


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