UK CFOs fear the cloud

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UK CFOs fear the cloud

UK CFOs fear the cloud

Posted: 04 Dec 2010 08:00 AM PST

Most CFOs at mid-sized UK firms are still unwilling to place their IT infrastructure in the cloud because of fears over data security, downtime and loss of control. They are also still unaware about the benefits offered by cloud computing.

Website of India’s top investigation agency attacked

Posted: 04 Dec 2010 08:00 AM PST

The website of a key investigative agency of the Indian government was hacked and defaced late Friday, according to a government official.

How the FTC's 'Do Not Track' Idea May Affect Your Site

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 08:00 AM PST

The Federal Trade Commission's call for a "Do Not Track" mechanism to protect Web surfers' privacy has received a great deal of attention this week, as those both for and against the idea have debated what it might mean for consumers, businesses, and even innovation in general.

Taskforce founder: Focus on the crime, not the technology

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 08:00 AM PST

The founder of an international taskforce, established to tackle child pornography distribution rings, has urged law enforcement authorities to focus on the crime, rather than the technology over which it was committed.

Improve Laptop Security With AlwaysVPN

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 08:00 AM PST

You've heard about the Firesheep Firefox add-in that lets someone with virtually no hacking experience steal your identity when you visit a number of Web sites, including Facebook. Here's more bad news: Firesheep is far from the only privacy danger out there. There are plenty of powerful tools that hackers can use to steal private information from you not just specific Web sites, but wherever you are on the Web, or when you use other Internet services, such as client-based e-mail and instant messaging. The for-pay AlwaysVPN (pricing varies with bandwidth) does a great job of keeping you safe no matter what you do and where you go on the Internet.

Web sites are stealing browser histories

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 08:00 AM PST

Certain Web sites probe visiting browsers for data that can be used to help criminals craft phishing attacks that compromise the accounts of online banking customers, researchers have found.


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